New health guidance on metalworking fluids

New online guidance is being made available to help companies manage the health risks associated with the use of metalworking fluids. The guidance, from the manufacturers' organisation EEF, is free for companies and has been agreed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Metalworking Fluids are used widely across a whole range of manufacturing businesses, particularly in engineering and technology-based companies. They are added to water and sprayed onto the work piece during machining to cool and lubricate the operation. However, they have long been known to involve a risk of dermatitis and breathing problems and, more recently, have been linked to major outbreaks of the respiratory diseases asthma and alveolitis. To respond to this risk, EEF has produced guidance based on a six point control plan: • risk assessment • controlling exposure • controlling bacterial contamination • maintaining fluid quality • providing health surveillance • providing information, instruction and training. The guidance is available at: