Pringles packaging tastes the difference of PLM software

1 min read

Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble says it has extended the scope of its Dassault V6 PLM (product lifecycle management) software implementation to incorporate global packaging and artwork initiatives – including for its massively successful Pringles.

P&G had already announced strategic selection of Dassault Systemes solutions for an enterprise-wide PLM process – transferring the end-to-end engineering management concept into its global ranges. Now, Dassault and P&G are developing an integrated suite of products to help make the latter's packaging processes more efficient, improve speed to market and increase the all-important shelf impact. It's all under P&G's systems streamlining project, headlined 'Simplify, Scale & Execute', which will include Dassault's virtual and digital design Catia V6 and Simulia V6 virtual test systems for packaging and artwork projects. Michael Telljohann, PLM director at P&G, reckons the approach will enable a tighter integration with suppliers, facilitating the faster creation of artwork and packaging shapes, while also meeting manufacturability and in-store shelf requirements. He also says that Enovia V6 will help with global collaboration, design re-use, automation of repetitive tasks, and generally building on corporate standards – while also optimising costs. "As P&G continues to serve more consumers, in more parts of the world, more completely, it is essential we have the right tools in place to drive greater efficiency," says Telljohann. "To address these opportunities as they arise, it's imperative that mission-critical business processes, like artwork and packaging, move from a series of best-in-class point solutions to enterprise-wide integrated solutions. Dassault Systèmes' suite of V6 PLM products will help P&G drive scale, improve R&D productivity and accelerate the delivery of new products to market," he adds.