SAP XApps to provide shopfloor to top floor live integration

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Process industry control systems developer Invensys is releasing two certified XApps that it says can provide manufacturers with a single system environment from the plant or factory floor up to the business systems on SAP.

The launch follows the ‘Powered by SAP NetWeaver’ certification Invensys announced at last year’s ARC Forum and is part of what it describes as a “collaborative relationship between Invensys and SAP.” Two initial Invensys-developed PCAs (certified packaged composite applications) have achieved SAP xApps status: Real-Time Finance and Real-Time Production Execution. Real-Time Finance, developed by Invensys Process Systems, is designed to help align process manufacturing operations with business systems by providing plant managers with real time visibility into production-related financial performance. Meanwhile, The Real-Time Production Execution composite application, which was developed by Invensys’ Wonderware, is about improving the flexibility of production by providing a pre-configured solution for despatching, executing, monitoring, and evaluating production performance runs in discrete, batch and hybrid plant operations. Invensys says its PCAs can be plugged into any existing industrial automation and IT infrastructure. Its new functionality is provided via standards-based interoperability between business processes managed within SAP ERP and plant processes managed by Invensys’ InFusion systems and/or Wonderware systems. Says Ulf Henriksson, CEO of Invensys: “As an SAP customer, Invensys understands the value that can be generated through effective implementation of enterprise-wide business strategies. We also know that there is significant potential to be gained through real-time measurement and management of manufacturing assets. “By taking advantage of the industry and solution expertise from both organisations to achieve this, we can now bring tremendous value to our mutual customers.” As a member of SAP’s Consumer Packaged Goods and Chemicals Industry Value Networks, Invensys will market these globally for these and other process industries.