Attention CNC Programmers, Tool/Fixture designers, Production Planners/Estimators - spend a few hours; speak to multiple experts all on one day, all in one place; save £1000s. FREE-to- ATTEND, one-day clinic.
Attention CNC Programmers, Tool/Fixture designers, Production Planners/Estimators - spend a few hours; speak to multiple experts all on one day, all in one place; save £1000s
CNC Programmers - You've paid a lot of money for your new machine tool, but is your CAM system up to the job? And even if you have not installed new machines, how old is your existing CAM system? Is it even driving your existing machines at highest efficiency?
And what about Direct Numerical Control and program management? Where is your company on this score?
Tool/fixture designers - Are you getting the most out of your CAD system? Could you be more productive, both in the office with a faster, easier to use system, and on the shopfloor because problems have been ironed out ahead of time?
Production Planners/Estimators – accurate, realistic quotes secure profit when they turn to orders, while scheduling software will help you hit delivery deadlines to make sure your customers keep coming back to a reliable supplier. Are you making best use of available technology in this area?
CADCAM Matters aims to deliver the answers, giving you the opportunity to speak to multiple experts all in the same place, all in a single day.