Web-based maintenance moves the movies for digital cinema company

1 min read

Digital cinema provider Arts Alliance Media is using web-based maintenance management software to help streamline remote operations and ensure smooth-running of its film distribution and running equipment.

The company's digital circuit technology provides an increasingly popular network, giving cinemas access to more films, while low-budget film-makers get a cheaper route to market. But digital projectors and speakers are a significant capital investment, so Arts needs to ensure its equipment performs reliably for tightly budgeted cinemas. And with subcontractors handling the work, that meant a web-based system so they can log on and receive details of requirements remotely. Richard Phillips, head of technical operations at Arts Alliance Media says: "Our digital network is designed to be cost-effective and provide a better viewing experience. For this to be achieved, it is essential to ensure that the equipment is problem-free." He chose an Agility system from SoftSols Group. "Agility helps to streamline this as cinema houses can remotely log faults on our online helpdesk, which are then prioritised and scheduled to the contractors. The contractors then log on and receive their jobs." Using the system, standard jobs are created quickly, complete with a full description of the work to be done, resources required and scheduling data. Work orders are created automatically, and the system also assists in planning, providing real-time access to schedules, again via the Internet.