BOC Edwards turns global data management to competitive advantage

1 min read

Vacuum equipment manufacturer BOC Edwards says that investing in Autodesk Productstream, the data management system, will solve its globalization problems.

The company says it chose Autodesk’s solution to manage data from overseas sites that produce its non-standard systemised products after comprehensive trials. It now predicts that the entire Autodesk solution will enhance the time-saving benefits already achieved using Autodesk Inventor. Speaking from the BOC Edwards site in Korea, global engineering systems manager Mark Hadlum said that the company had chosen the Autodesk solution because it offers, “extensive support, a wide selection of different languages and a truly international solution. He added: “We also needed to improve communications with our local suppliers and customers, and this was much easier with a format from a global vendor that everyone can use… We were using our standard directories and relying on people to check items in and out – but often this just didn’t work. “For example, at one time we had the same drawing with two different issue numbers. Items were being sourced into Korea from China at the same time as they were being sourced from the UK. Using Productstream we believe that this will become a thing of the past.”