During the cable making process on the 24 September 2015, the worker at AEI Cables Limited put his left hand into an unguarded machine where it encountered dangerous parts of machinery, Sunderland Magistrates’ Court heard.
The worker lost his left little finger and received serious lacerations to the other fingers on the same hand.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive discovered that there was no guarding in place to prevent access to the dangerous parts of the machinery.
HSE inspector Victoria Crofton said: “This injury was easily prevented and the risk should have been identified. Employers should make sure they properly assess and apply effective control measures to minimise the risk from dangerous parts of machinery.”
AEI Cables Limited of Birtley, Chester-Le-Street County Durham pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 11(1) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. It was fined £40,000. Costs were also awarded.
Cable manufacturer fined after worker loses finger
A cable manufacturing company has been hit with a fine of £40,000 after a worker lost a finger in machinery.