Cable unveils Economic Response Force as Bombardier cuts jobs

1 min read

Vince Cable has announced an Economic Response Task Force to try and minimise the fallout of train manufacturer Bombardier's decision to cut up to 1,400 jobs at its Derby site.

Cable said: "This will be a very worrying time for the workers and their families. I have asked Margaret Gildea to set up a Task Force to work with Bombardier, BIS Local and other local partners in Derby." The business secretary expressed disappointment at Bombardier's move, which comes months after losing out on a £3bn deal to build carriages for an upgrade to the Thameslink route. The Task Force will "mitigate the economic impact of job losses at Bombardier, its supply chain and the local communities," the government said. It will draw on representatives from Derby City Council, Derby City College and the Skills Funding Agency and Jobcentre Plus will also deploy its Rapid Response Service to support workers, DBIS said. It's head, Gildea is an HR and change management consultant who has worked at Rolls-Royce and Semta. Cable added: "My department will work closely with Bombardier, during their ongoing review, as they explore opportunities to sustain their manufacturing base in the UK in the long term. It is vital that we retain these skills. And we will help the company explore any other international markets which are priorities for them. Bombardier lost the Thamelink contract to a rival consortium headed by Siemens. The company has started a 90 day consultation on proposed job losses at Derby.