Cameron pledges £200m to drive innovation

1 min read

David Cameron has pledged £200m to creating Technology and Innovation centres in a bid to boost manufacturer's access to funding, skills and equipment.

In a speech to the CBI, Cameron said: "These centres will be great for research, great for business- and they're going to put Britain back at the top table for innovation." Technology and Innovation centres will bring businesses and universities closer together, the PM said. Cameron stated: "They won't just carry out their own in-house research, they will spread knowledge too connecting businesses- large and small, new and old- to potential new technologies, making them aware of funding streams." The announcement came as part of a speech in which Cameron vowed to create a "new economic dynamism" in the UK. The PM promised £60m to boost investment in offshore wind at UK ports. The move demonstrated the government's commitment to backing thriving British industries, Cameron said. Westminster would also look to drive growth by creating the right framework for business investment and growth, the PM said. Cameron added: "Everything- from bank lending to skills, green tech to high tech, competition to innovation, international trade to local growth- will be put under the microscope." The PM's comments were backed by manufacturing trade association, the EEF. Stephen Radley., EEF director of policy and external affairs said: ""The Prime Minister is right to say that government policy can be used to support growth in areas like advanced manufacturing and offshore wind where the UK is already strong and could be stronger."