Economic recovery reliant on manufacturing, survey finds

1 min read

Manufacturing is the most important industry for securing the UK's economic recovery, according to a survey of business leaders.

The sector beat off financial services and construction to top the poll by Marketing Birmingham ahead of the Conservative Party conference in the city. Manufacturing should be the 'backbone and brains' of the economy said Mike Whitby, leader of Birmingham City Council. He said: "Given the opportunities created by a weak pound and the highly skilled manufacturing workforce that we is crucial that we encourage inward investment and realise the great potential that this industry has." Nearly three in ten of the 505 business managers questioned named manufacturing as the most important sector for driving the recovery. Technology was second with 21% of the vote and financial services third with 13%. Greater investment in manufacturing could ensure more balanced economic growth across the UK said Neil Rami chief executive of Marketing Birmingham. "Places outside of the South East, like Birmingham, are benefiting from a resurgent manufacturing sector, given that 14% of jobs in the West Midlands are in this sector compared to only 6% in London." The Conservative Party conference takes place in Birmingham this week.