Executing on the promise

Warehouse management and transportation management, with industry specific capabilities, have been extended, with SSA Global’s latest supply chain execution software release. Staff reporter

Warehouse management and transportation management, with industry specific capabilities, have been extended, with SSA Global’s latest supply chain execution software release. SSA Warehouse Management 2000 5.5 and 4000 3.10 provide a better user interface, compliance and warehouse operations facilities. Meanwhile, SSA Transportation Management 6.2 provides more functionality for international air cargo transactions. Says SSA CTO Cory Eaves explains: “Our customers are increasingly feeling the pressure of doing business in a complex global supply chain where rising transportation costs have a major impact on business performance and profits.” With the new system, users can get deeper insight into customers’ demands, and better match supply with available product, based on seamless demand-driven supply chain and production operations ideas.