Free online secure data storage for flood damage businesses

1 min read

For victims of the summer floods, business systems provider Mamut and the IAAITC (Independent Association of Accountants Information Technology Consultants) are offering is offering a gigabyte of free, secure data storage to get them back on their feet.

Says Alan Moody, UK managing director: “Normally, we provide businesses with 500Mb of free storage, but in these circumstances we have doubled it. We reasoned that as a scanner can cope with a damp document, the most sensible thing is for businesses to use good old fashioned blotting paper and get them scanned in and stored quickly before they degrade.” He says the offer is worth about £70 a year for a small business and anyone can upgrade to 5GB for less than £50 a year – a saving of £150 compared to other services on the market. In addition, the IAAITC will be running disaster recovery workshops throughout the autumn. These sessions will provide practical advice on how to get your business up and running. “Risk analysis and data back up for SMEs sounds complicated,” says David Reynolds, CEO of IAAITC. “However, loss of data is loss of data. It does not matter whether it as a result of system failure, flood, theft or even a tragedy like Buncefield. The consequences are the same – the business comes to a halt until the data is recovered or recreated.” He makes the point that online data backup is neither complicated nor expensive. Companies like Mamut have been offering free online data backup for micro and small businesses for more than two years. “For many businesses the idea of their private data being backed up to servers in Norway may be a bit daunting or even risky from a privacy standpoint, but it is really just best practice. Larger corporations pay a lot of money to have their data backed up ‘off shore’,” says Reynolds.