French Tier One automotive supplier sings praises of PLM

French Tier One automotive supplier Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior reckons it’s significantly improved engineering productivity and efficiency as a result of its global, web-based collaborative workspace for suppliers and partners. Brian Tinham reports

French Tier One automotive supplier Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior reckons it’s significantly improved engineering productivity and efficiency as a result of its global, web-based collaborative workspace for suppliers and partners. The firm implemented a MatrixOne PLM (product lifecycle management) system, and following successful operation so far, believes it will see return on investment within four years. Part of that will come from increased standardisation of product development processes across its widely dispersed and multi-disciplinary network of teams. The system provides universal and role-based access to product design and production data in real time, so eliminating wasted admin processes and accelerating approvals and the innovation and delivery cycles. Next, the company intends to build internal reference databases and standards libraries to eliminate task repetition and further speed up time to market.