In accepting the invitation from Industrial Cadets to become Patron, HRH is developing his relationship with a programme that he was instrumental in initiating in 2010 during a visit to Tata Steel in the North East.
The conversation at that time with senior managers at Tata Steel, about encouraging young people into local industry, started the process which has lead to Industrial Cadets becoming a national employer-led programme assuring the quality and effectiveness of programmes giving experiences of industry for young people.
Julie Feest, CEO of EDT, the STE(A)M education charity that provides national co-ordination for Industrial Cadets, says: “His Royal Highness’s agreement to become Patron of Industrial Cadets is an enormous honour for the programme and therefore a milestone in the development of what is now a significant force in inspiring young people into careers in industry. The programme informs young people about careers with great prospects and rewards and encourages them to develop the skills and qualifications which will be needed by UK industry in a time of rapid technological change.
“Industrial Cadets has always appreciated the interest and encouragement that His Royal Highness has given to the developing programme. To have The Prince of Wales as our Patron is the next step in a strong relationship in which Industrial Cadets has benefited enormously from His Royal Highness’s insights and experience.”
Industrial Cadets works with a wide range of employers and schools, accrediting diverse programmes at a range of award levels from one-day activities through to a year-long placement. Accreditation assures employers that their programmes with young people are giving optimum value and impact. Industrial Cadets also gives the young people involved a valuable award for their CV’s which is understood by employers nationally and encourages them on a journey to complete many activities with industry.
In total, 33,000 young people have ‘graduated’ from Industrial Cadets accredited programmes and an ambitious expansion plan targets 500,000 by July 2021, if the right partners and support can be established. Industrial Cadets encourages the young person to continue on their learner journey of STE(A)M through a Challenger, Bronze, Silver, Gold award. A Platinum Award is available for significant achievement in a long term industrial placement.
HRH The Prince of Wales becomes Patron of Industrial Cadets
HRH The Prince of Wales has agreed to become Patron of Industrial Cadets, the national programme that accredits a wide range of experiences of industry for young people.