The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has released a code of practice (CoP) covering the fundamentals of electrical safety and providing a process to assess and manage electrical safety in organsations including manufacturers.
The CoP is designed to let those looking after electrical systems to follow a methodical approach to understanding their organisation and the management of the various aspects and risks of an electrical system.
Malcolm Sarstedt, group process safety lead at Unilever and chairman of the IET Standards development committee, said: "This new code of practice is eminently suitable for large and small firms and will be very useful for hard-pressed managers who do not have time to research what to do, and who would be reassured to comply with a product from an influential and authoritative source such as the IET."
The Code of Practice for Electrical Safety Management can be purchased in print and digitally from
The IET was formerly the Institution of Electrical Engineering.