IFS study exposes lack of confidence in project management

1 min read

Nearly three quarters (72%) of CEOs, COOs and project managers say an ability to manage projects is critical to future growth – yet just 11% are very confident of their ability when it comes to managing business critical projects.

That is among key findings of a survey, conducted by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) and IFS, among CEOs, COOs and project managers at project-based businesses across the UK, USA, Australia, Scandinavia and Benelux. Other interesting stats include that only one quarter (25%) of businesses surveyed have fully integrated IT systems for project management, while just 12% of all businesses are very confident that they have full visibility of information to run projects effectively, l Says IFS CEO Alastair Sorbie: "Change is the nature of projects, and we know from many years working with project-orientated companies that flexibility and scalability in project-based solutions is crucial to project success." And he adds: "Together with achieving a holistic view – where businesses have full visibility, control and insight into real-time data tracking – this is vital to manage the new generation of mission-critical projects, and to future organizational growth." This IFS research surveyed 273 respondents across the USA, UK, Australia, Scandinavia and Benelux, comprising 49% CEOs/COOs and 51% project managers.