Inspectors head for Apple's Chinese factories

1 min read

Apple has drafted in the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to inspect its Chinese assembly factories.

The visits will scrutinize workforce conditions and health and safety standards, Apple said. Tim Cook, Apple CEO commented: "We believe that workers everywhere have the right to a safe and fair work environment, which is why we've asked the FLA to independently assess the performance of our largest suppliers." Inspectors will quiz employees on working hours, conditions, safety standards and relations with management, Apple confirmed. Manufacturing areas will be audited by the FLA inspectorate at factories which assemble over 90% of Apple products. The first inspection will be carried out at Apple's Shenzhen facility on Monday 20 February with results published by the FLA in March. Inspections will also be made at two other Apple sites in China this spring. Apple joined the FLA in January. The FLA monitors member company's production sites to ensure they meet the organisation's workplace standards.