IoSH backs work at height regs revamp

1 min read

The overhaul of guidance on working at height has been welcomed by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IoSH).

IoSH was responding to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) revamp of its advice for working at height, setting out in plain terms what to do and exposing the myths that have caused confusion for many employers in the UK. IoSH research and information services manager Jane White said: "Guidance for workers and their bosses needs to be simple, short and succinct. It has to make the biggest impact in the right way to ensure that working practices are safe." She said there was a huge range and variety of working at height tasks carried out every day and added: "One of our key challenges is to engage with those who might not always hear our messages such as the young and those new to work. Health and safety is moving into a new era, we need to ensure that our information reaches those that need it, and that it is in the right format to be translated into knowledge and practice."