Lack of training endangers employees’ hearing


Most factory managers offer their employees hearing protection equipment such as ear plugs or ear defenders (98.5%), but 14% offer no training in the use of this equipment, according to a survey of 271 managers conducted by Works Management.

The survey also highlighted a worrying lack of engagement from some employees. One factory manager told WM: “We purchased ear defenders that would fit under their hard hats, but the operators felt they were uncomfortable and I would often enter the area and have to instruct operators to put them back on.”

Four fifths of managers (79.1%) said their company used engineering measures such as machine enclosures, silencers and/or vibration isolation to reduce noise exposure, and the vast majority (91.8%) had conducted a noise audit/assessment. Most (77%) said they also offered employees hearing tests.

You can read more about hearing protection in the October issue of WM.