Latest version of Epicor iScala ships to over 200

1 min read

Epicor iScala 2.3 SR2, released last autumn as one of the broadest upgrades in the history of the iScala, has been shipped to more 200 customers in the EMEA region.

Epicor claims it's the most rapid and widespread deployment of any new Epicor iScala release. Food services and facilities management giant Sodexo, which has been using iScala solutions for over 15 years in Russia, says that it upgraded for the new system's extended security features and improved manufacturing functionality. "We have already realised a number of benefits, such as streamlined local accounting processes and better operational control due to running a single data source across applications," comments Michael Salozhin, IST financial applications manager for Sodexo Russia. "It was a natural choice for us to upgrade and we are delighted with the new features, and the possibility we now have to work with Microsoft Reporting Services directly from the Epicor iScala system. We also notice that the speed of the system has greatly improved – a clear bonus when you work with such large amounts of data as we do." Epicor iScala 2.3 SR2 also includes significant new capabilities for improved business and hardware scalability, with support for more than one billion transactions per year, one hundred thousand different account posting rules and new support to scale out with additional cheep hardware to enable improved system response time and data throughput. It also has what the company describes as strong GRC (governance, risk, and compliance) functionality that helps to minimise the risk of financial penalties and wastes less time and resources on compliance matters. It is also SEPA-ready (single euro payments area), vital to companies doing business in the Euro area.