Lawson claims most comprehensive M3 boosts industry offerings

1 min read

Lawson's new M3 ERP system, now at v3.10.1, is its "most significant launch" for the product to date, with more than 100 enhancements, including more than 600 detailed functional changes, says the company.

Just as important, it also includes new industry-specific features and enhancements, focusing on business processes in Lawson's key beverage, manufacturing and distribution, and equipment service management and rental business units. Henrik Billgren, vice president of M3 Industries and Application Product Management for Lawson, says that enhancements include new Lawson Smart Office functionality, designed to "help users create a more effective and efficient user environment on their desktop". The new release also includes Lawson Enterprise Search, which, he says, brings Internet-like search functions to a user's Lawson and non-Lawson data, helping to simplify searches for structured and unstructured data across multiple systems. "Lawson M3 10.1 really establishes the idea of 'Lawson for you.' It's built around the specific industry business challenges that our customers face every day," says Billgren. "We're focused on further simplifying the Lawson M3 system to help drive down the total cost of ownership for our customers by bringing new technology, simpler operation and user interaction – and an easier path for upgrades," he adds.