Manufacturers urge government to prioritise repairing roads

1 min read

Manufacturers are urging the government to make repairing the country’s roads a priority after complaining about years of underinvestment, MorningStar reported.

Cars on a road with potholes

More than half of manufacturers believe Britain’s roads have deteriorated in the past decade, new research suggests.

A survey of 390 firms by Make UK showed that just over half said the worsening state of roads led to increased logistics costs and reduced access to skilled workers.

Make UK chief executive Stephen Phipson said: “Following years of underinvestment, this new government now needs to be bold on its infrastructure investment and realise the productivity improvements of doing so.

“At the top of this agenda must be repairing our roads, with British manufacturers wanting to see an immediate focus on A-roads and motorways.

“To help make this happen, manufacturers want to see more local decision-making and support for local authorities to speed up planning processes.

“Increased investment in local bus networks to connect out-of-town areas would also give more young people the chance to work in the well-paid manufacturing sector, while long-term rail projects are desperately needed to connect more east-west connections to truly deliver an equal share of opportunities around the whole of the UK.”

A Department for Transport spokesperson said: “We are aware of the poor state of our local roads and are committed to tackling this head on.

“We are committing to renewing the road network, including by helping local authorities to fix up to one million more potholes a year."