Nestlé Nespresso smells success with third Manhattan open WMS

1 min read

Coffee manufacturer Nestlé Nespresso says it has successfully implemented Manhattan Associates' open warehouse management solution at its distribution centre in Alfortville, France.

This is its third site to go live, following deployments at DCs in Yvonand and Chavornay in Switzerland – all part of a world-wide project that, it says, will see the solution rolled out to many more of the company's 21 logistics partners. "Following the first implementations, we're already benefiting from reliable traceability capabilities that enable us to comply with the specific demands of today's increasingly regulated food sector," comments Nicolas Gueissaz, logistics director at Nestlé Nespresso. "The new platform gives us centralised visibility of supply chain inventory and our operational activities worldwide and, at the same time, allows us to monitor the performance of our logistics services partners. We're pursuing our global implementation plan as a collaborative exercise with Manhattan's team of consultants," he explains. "In addition to the immediate benefits we're seeing materialise as we implement at each site, the solution will demonstrate its scalability as we roll-out to the entire network and as our transaction volumes grow over time."