New chair for EPSRC
The DTI has announced a new chair for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Science and Innovation Minister, Malcolm Wicks has this month announced the appointment of John Armitt as the new chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
John Armitt succeeded Dame Julia Higgins at the start of April. The appointment is for four years.
Malcolm Wicks (pictured) says: “I welcome John Armitt on board as chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. His high level experience of business and work with government makes him well qualified to provide a strong contribution to the leadership and work of the Council.”
John Armitt says: “Engineering and Physical Sciences are central to Britain's continuing success. The role of the EPSRC, in supporting research and knowledge transfer in these fields, is therefore vital and I am delighted to be joining the Council as its Chair.”