Norbert Dentressangle pilots hybrid truck in Paris

1 min read

Norbert Dentressangle has begun road testing a hybrid truck powered by a diesel engine and electric motor on the streets of Paris.

The Renault developed hybrids will be used to make deliveries in Paris for French retailer the Carrefour group. The vehicles could help cut fuel bills by 20% by switching to electric power at low speeds, Norbert Dentressangle said. The pilot marked the first of a new wave of tests on alternative technologies to diesel powered engines, the logistics firm added. Norbert Dentressangle CEO François Bertreau, explained: "The new Renault hybrid truck further is proof of Norbert Dentressangle's commitment to reduce greenhouse gases. "Since 2003, and our ongoing partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, we have adopted an ambitious environmental approach that has already enabled us to achieve substantial progress." Norbert Dentressangle aims to trial the hybrid trucks in London later this year when the firm will compare performance with diesel powered models. The hybrid truck increases efficiency by using an electric motor at speeds from 0 to 12mph according to Norbert Dentressangle. A conventional bio-diesel engine then kicks in at higher speeds.