Polypipe welcomes royal visitor

1 min read

Polypipe, one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of piping solutions, underfloor heating and energy efficient ventilation, was given a royal seal of approval last week during a visit by HRH the Princess Royal.

Princess Anne was escorted on a guided tour of one of the FTSE 250-listed multinational’s manufacturing sites in Doncaster, Yorkshire, by Polypipe chief executive Martin Payne, chief operating officer Glen Sabin and Polypipe Building Products managing director Cameron McLellan on Friday, February 22.

Other dignitaries included Doncaster Central MP Dame Rosie Winterton and Andrew Coombe, Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, who coordinated the event with Buckingham Palace to showcase the town’s business successes.

The 85-minute visit included seeing Polypipe’s market-leading training and moulding facilities in action, and a talk on the history of the business and its sustainability objectives.

Her Royal Highness also unveiled a plaque to commemorate her attendance before she was handed a bouquet of flowers by Mr McLellan’s daughters, Charlotte, aged twelve, and eight-year-old Isabelle.

It was the 31st time a royal has visited Doncaster since the turn of the century, including in 2007 when the Prince of Wales met victims and emergency services staff affected by the devastating flooding across South Yorkshire.