Public sector strike puts the squeeze on manufacturers

1 min read

Manufacturers face a day of disruption as public sector strikes force many parents off work to look after children.

Factories face a productivity hit as two thirds of schools are hit by industrial action, business leaders warned. David Frost, director general of the British Chamber of Commerce said: "The disruption caused by teachers striking means many parents will miss a day of work to look after their children, resulting in lost wages and damaging businesses' productivity." The walkout over planned changes to public sector pensions could also damage long term business confidence, the BCC added. Frost added: "Large-scale industrial action will have a significant impact on business confidence and inward investment, which are both critical to the UK's economic recovery." The strikes comes amid a fragile period for UK manufacturing confidence. Industry barometer- the PMI Index has slumped over recent months with the fall blamed on lost working time caused by the extra Royal Wedding bank holiday. Has your site been hit by the public sector strikes? Tell us by emailing