Qurius launches Microsoft Dynamics AX-based service management system

For companies involved in providing resources in a project, commissioning and service management environment, Qurius has launched Q-PRISM'AX as a business management software solution for the UK.

Standing for Qurius PRoject, Installation and Service Management Automation on MicrosoftDynamics AX, the new system extends core functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX for the industry, according to Mark Breeden, AX sales manager for Qurius UK. "Customers expect a total service offering, from estimation and commissioning to after sales service and maintenance, with higher performance and SLA measurement," explains Breeden. And that's what they'll get through Q-PRISM'AX, he says. "The solution can minimise operational expenses, improve margins, increase cashflow and deliver more bottom line profits, while limiting risk exposure in overruns and sub-SLA performance," he adds.