Renishaw opens new manufacturing plant
The UK's first facility manufacturing laser-sintered cobalt chrome dental frameworks has been opened in New Mills, Gloucester.

The new plant, opened by Renishaw, will manufacture low cost frameworks using pure, certified medical-grade cobalt chrome metal. The company said that advanced rapid manufacturing technology called Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) will produce copings and frameworks and will allow dental laboratories to offer a high quality, lower cost alternative to ceramic restorations.
Director of dental products division Bryan Austin, said: "Renishaw's aim is to constantly push the boundaries of science and technology in the sectors in which we operate. With so much concern about imported metal crowns, it will also be reassuring that the new cobalt chrome copings and frameworks are from a certified source, and are free from nickel, beryllium and cadmium. All our customers will be welcome to visit the facility."