Renishaw reports strong demand

1 min read

The measurement, motion control, spectroscopy and precision machining specialist Renishaw said in a trading update today that the first two months of its new financial year had been very positive.

The company said it had seen strong demand for our metrology products across all of its main geographies, particularly in Japan and the rest of Asia, where sales had been running at approximately double last year's levels for the same period. Revenue in July and August was approximately £20 million a month and the order book currently stands at around £25 million. Order visibility remained in the region of four to five weeks' sales. In a separate announcement, the Gloucestershire based plc said its subsidiary Renishaw Diagnostics, a provider of trace level detection technologies based on the exploitation of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and Surface Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering (SERRS) for clinical research and molecular diagnostics applications, had officially opened its expanded premises on the Nova Technology Park, Glasgow, Scotland. The company (previously known as D3 Technologies) first moved into 3000sq.ft. custom-built laboratory and office space on the technology park in December 2007. Renishaw Diagnostic's success in molecular diagnostics development with its clinical research collaborators coupled with its comprehensive business strategy required expanded facilities for an increased number of research and commercial staff. Renishaw Diagnostic's CEO, David Burns, said, "I am delighted to welcome so many people to our new premises to see the facilities and to meet our highly skilled and dedicated staff. Renishaw Diagnostics will launch its first products into the molecular diagnostics market next year and we plan to become a major supplier of multiplexed molecular diagnostic systems for infectious diseases. This will allow clinicians to diagnose and treat more quickly." Lena Wilson, Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise, said, "Renishaw Diagnostics is already showing huge promise in the field of molecular diagnostics and its expansion at Nova Technology Park is another big boost for Scotland's world-leading life sciences industry. "RSA funding is one of the key tools we can use to encourage both indigenous and foreign companies to invest in Scotland and we are thrilled that this funding has enabled Renishaw to invest in its Scottish base and create new jobs for Scotland. "Renishaw Diagnostics is exactly the type of ambitious, growing and sustainable enterprise that Scotland needs more of, and we look forward to working closely with the team to help them realise their ambitious plans for growth."