Rohm and Haas gets dynamic web search and content with Interwoven

1 min read

$8 billion specialty and performance materials manufacturer Rohm and Haas’ new sales website, developed with Interwoven, delivers what the company sees as new levels of sophistication.

“Interwoven shares our vision to deploy sites that target the right content to the right audience by specific company, by region, by country, market, and company type,” says Eric Soll, sales and marketing IT manager at Rohm and Haas. “Greater efficiency was just the tip of the iceberg. The bigger benefit was helping customers more easily qualify products and make faster buying decisions.” By combining Interwoven with Unica NetInsight’s Web analytics, Rohm and Haas can now analyse and manipulate usage online. In one case, the company identified product search terms that were generating few or no results. The business teams then modified product content and metadata, more closely aligning the content with search terms customers wanted. “Our new philosophy is, ‘What have we learned and what’s the action?’,” explains Soll “We’re looking to improve every month. We have the tools to be a lot more action-orientated, which helps us to better understand our customers’ needs and then meet them rapidly.” Rohm and Haas is using Interwoven Teamsite, LiveSite and OpenDeploy, integrated with its SAP ERP platform, as the foundation for its public web presence, as well as to manage its customer extranets. Using TeamSite, it classifies and categorises content for product information, using a structured product hierarchy. “With that hierarchy, we use LiveSite to allow customers to navigate through thousands of products with hundreds of applications with complex relationships,” says Soll. “Most importantly, we can provide the customer with access to information the way they want it, not just the way we think about it.”