SAP offers online assessment tool to manufacturing SMEs

1 min read

SAP hopes to woo manufacturing SMEs into using its Business All-in-One ERP industry-specific pre-configured suite with a fast-start programme.

Coupled with SAP MaxDB, the SAP database product, and free choice of operating system, the offering also helps to lower total cost of ownership, according to Robert Vetter, senior vice president, SME business development, SAP France. He also explains that a pre-start online configuration process enables wannabe users to assess their business requirements and get a comprehensive cost estimate. “With this pre-tested, automated installer, we were able to considerably reduce the installation time for the pre-configured industry solution, including database, operating system and the SAP ERP application,” says Dr Frank Peinemann at SAP Channel Partner BTC AG in Bremen, Germany. “Time-consuming customisation was omitted and the system was up and running within a short period of time.” “We understand that one size does not fit all,” says Vetter. “We are, therefore, continually innovating and offering customers easy ways to start quickly, see early results and be assured of a solution that can grow as their business needs change… The fast-start program for SAP Business All-in-One is another great example of how we are delivering on this promise.”