Strong June orders for manufacturing technology
June saw a strong set of orders for manufacturing technology, according to the latest survey by the MTA (Manufacturing Technologies Association) with both exporters and domestically focused companies reporting order growth totalling 65%. After an encouraging first quarter for 2010, orders had slowed in April and May – perhaps as political and economic uncertainty gripped Europe – but June saw a powerful return to growth.
The MTA said the high numbers may be due in part to orders placed at the sector's biennial trade show MACH2010 which took place between the 7th and 11th of June; but even some companies not at the show had also reported positive news.
MTA director general Graham Dewhurst said: "These numbers are good news for manufacturing. Many companies reported a high number of enquiries and orders placed at MACH; these reports, coupled with the latest Flash Survey results are further evidence to indicate that the recovery of British manufacturing, while starting from the depths of a trough, is becoming established."