The Royal Academy of Engineering launches Engineers 2030

1 min read

The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), in collaboration with the National Engineering Policy Centre, has launched a new consultation to examine how engineering knowledge and skills are changing in the 21st century and what will be required to attract, educate, recruit and support future engineers and technicians.

The Royal Academy of Engineering launches Engineers 2030

Engineers 2030 represents a comprehensive effort to help facilitate a greater understanding of these requirements and to ensure that the engineering profession is equipped to address the demands of the future effectively.

As the project was founded to address a long-standing shortfall in adequately trained engineers and technicians in the UK and beyond, its key focus is to prioritise wider access to education and technical training. Retraining engineers through reskilling and upskilling will ultimately provide individuals with technical competencies and ethical frameworks, crucial for success.

The RAEng recognises that collaboration is key. Earlier this year, educators, practicing engineers and technicians, professional bodies and other organisations and individuals were invited to participate in the Vision and Principles for Engineers 2030 consultation. Their insights will help inform the development of a shared vision statement, guiding principles, and strategic priorities for the Engineers 2030 initiative.

Since engineers play a critical role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity, this initiative aims to transform engineering education and practice to better equip engineers to tackle the urgent sustainability challenges facing the world today and in the future.

To reinforce this, the RAEng has revealed two vital resources. The first of which is the design of a Reimagined Degree Map in partnership with Engineers Without Borders UK. Developed in response to conversations with hundreds of educators, students, professionals, deans, accrediting bodies and professional engineering institutions, the Reimagined Degree Map empowers decision-makers with the tools to facilitate real change. In addition, the Sustainability Toolkit, developed in association with the Engineering Professional Council and Siemens, aims to help engineering academics effectively integrate sustainability principles into student learning programmes.

As part of a coordinated approach with shared goals and priorities, the engineering community can work together to shape the future of engineering roles and education.