Version One warns on disaster recovery plans

1 min read

Manufacturing businesses and others are putting their futures at risk from a disaster by failing to have a comprehensive business continuity plan in place.

That's the warning from document management software firm Version One in the wake of Japna's earthquake and tsunami. Version One managing director Julian Buck is urging companies to reconsider their worst case scenarios and to rethink disaster recovery accordingly. He concedes that the threat posed to the UK by large-scale natural disasters is very low, but reminds managers of events such as the 2007 London bombings, the Buncefield oil fire and the escalating threat of flooding. He also observes that some organisations are still insufficiently prepared and lack well-structured recovery plans. "Although catastrophic events are comparatively rare in the UK, in current times, the risk is becoming greater than ever, both in terms of natural disasters and terrorist attacks," states Buck. "These can cause significant disruption to a business's day-to-day operations, from which many never recover," he continues. And he explains: "Many organisations may claim to have adequate business continuity plans in place but we often find the reality is different. With the growing risk of man-made and natural disasters, it is essential for organisations to formulate sensible and workable business continuity plans." For him, the big deal is safe storage of business documents, and he unsurprisingly suggests that having a document management and archiving solution in place is key to any good disaster recovery strategy. "Document management technology, which can be tightly integrated into organisations' accounting and ERP systems, enables their inbound and outbound paper documents to be scanned and barcoded. Once in the electronic archive, all documents are securely stored and can be retrieved by drilling down through the accounting/ERP system or via a web browser," he observes. "Most businesses ensure that their IT systems are appropriately backed-up; however a worrying number fail to consider whether their documents are securely stored, potentially placing their future existence in jeopardy."