WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) compliance schemes that act on behalf of producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment are facing total chaos.
By 31 May 2008, 23 producer compliance schemes, representing some 6,000 manufacturers and distributors, will have to provide evidence to the Environment Agencies that they have complied with WEEE.
“Unfortunately, the schemes will not be advised of their final legal obligations until 1 May 2008. With over 4,500 permutations of how a solution might be found, and the additional burden of new commercial arrangements to be established, there is potential for total chaos,” says Angus Macpherson, managing director and founder of The Environment Exchange.
“We already provide anonymous, secure and efficient transaction, settlement and information services for those involved with the packaging regulations – and we will be providing these services for the WEEE market,” he adds.
In fact, the Environment Exchange (t2e) says it intends to extend its on-line trading facility on 9 April to assist the compliance schemes in buying and selling surplus WEEE notes. Macpherson says it will be open to designated collection facilities (DCFs), approved authorised treatment facilities (AATFs) and exporters (AEs) – all of whom may find themselves having evidence and not knowing either who wants it or what the market will pay.
“Initially, we will operate a spot market, although we do intend to introduce forward contracts to assist buyers and sellers in planning their annual WEEE compliance,” says Macpherson. “In addition t2e will offer an over the counter settlement and delivery service.”
t2e says it will be running a programme of regional presentations in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Cardiff on how to use the new WEEE marketplace to best advantage. Dates and locations will appear on the t2e website shortly.