Weir pumps up orders, sales and profits

Pump manufacturing specialist The Weir Group has reported improved first half year orders, sales and profits.

Chief Executive, Mark Selway (pictured) reported that the first half of 2008 had demonstrated the strength of the group's strategy, reflecting its “world class engineering expertise, long cycle sector focus, new acquisitions and growing markets”. He went on: “We delivered excellent revenue and operating profit, while substantially adding to the future prospects for the Group, and remain on course to realise significant improvements in the second half of 2008.” First half order input, at £734 million, was 32% above the prior year period reflecting like for like growth of 18% and first time contributions from acquisitions SPM and Warman. Revenues from continuing operations increased 46% to £632 million (2007: £434m) and first half operating profits at £84.7m (2007: £42.9m) were 97% above the same period in 2007.