Are you being paid for the electricity that you do not use?

1 min read

National Grid rewards manufacturing businesses with high energy consumption for their flexibility. Join this webinar to learn how small changes can mean big rewards. Is your business missing out on the revenue available for using your existing energy infrastructure to participate in HM Government sponsored energy flexibility programmes?

The GB Capacity Market is designed to protect the security of electricity supply across Great Britain. Participants are paid for being on standby, providing a virtual safety net should demand for electricity exceed the available supply. Join this webinar for an introduction to how your business can unlock cost savings, generate new sources of revenue and reduce CO2 emissions through energy flexibility programmes.

This webinar is for business leaders in Operational, Financial, Procurement and Executive roles. 

You don’t have to be a utilities expert but, ideally, your organisation should fall into one of the categories below:

  • Manufacturers with energy-intensive processes and facilities
  • Any businesses that can temporarily reduce the energy consumption of lighting, HVAC systems or refrigeration units
  • Facilities with on-site generation capabilities such as CHPs and back-up generators or sites with battery energy storage systems.

This webinar will help you to get a better understanding of:

  • How energy flexibility programmes work
  • How much you can earn by occasionally adjusting your energy consumption
  • Who can participate
  • How to apply