Fashion brand Dazzle implements item-level RFID

1 min read

UPM RFID and Shanghai BizGrid IT are supporting international fashion brand Dazzle in implementing its item-level RFID project for the China retail chain, which has now been up and running for six months.

Dazzle's d'zzit autumn and winter 2011/2012 collection carry hang tags with UPM ShortDipole and UPM Belt RFID inlays, which the organisation says is improving supply chain and sales channel management. Shi Jie, IT manager for Dazzle, states that the organisation has three targets for its RFID project. First, the company is seeking to improve logistical efficiency as well as shipping and receiving operations. With RFID, every box is read and verified at receipt, improving the accuracy and efficiency of storage, he explains. Secondly, the firm aims to improve store inventory accuracy. Since garments with RFID hang tags are read on arrival at shops, they open the door to smart storage allocation and improved on-shelf availability. And third, Dazzle wants item-level tracking from storage to the point-of-sale, as well as to verify garment authenticity. With a combined RFID reader and antenna at the checkout, multiple garments can be scanned simultaneously – and since the tags have EAS functionality, they can also be used for anti-theft purposes. "With RFID technology, we aim to enhance both our internal operations as well as the customer experience," comments Jie. "Hang tags with UPM RFID inlays play an essential role in the process, providing quality and reliability. We have run the project for six months now, and can already see the benefits of the technology."