Production output up on a year ago

1 min read

Total production output increased by 0.1% in February 2015 compared with February 2014, according to estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Manufacturing output was the largest contributor, increasing by 1.1%.

There were increases in 9 of the 13 manufacturing sub-sectors compared with a year ago and the largest contributor was the manufacture of transport equipment, increasing by 6.1% said the ONS.

It added that total production output increased by 0.1% in February 2015 compared with January 2015. There were increases in three of the four main sectors, with manufacturing being the largest contributor, increasing by 0.4%.

The main components contributing to the month-on-month increase in manufacturing were the manufacture of transport equipment, the manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified and the manufacture of basic metals and metal products.

In the three months to February 2015, production and manufacturing were 10.4% and 4.9% respectively below their figures reached in the pre-downturn GDP peak in Quarter 1, January to Mar 2008.

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