Simulation software focuses on manufacturing emissions

Simulation experts have added what they are calling 'sustainability parameters' to manufacturing simulation software, to improve decisions around carbon footprint.

The new developments are in the latest version of Lanner's Witness process simulation solution, which the company says has been improved to enable businesses to simulate options aimed at maximising performance while reducing energy consumption. Lanner CEO David Jones explains that the solution specifically allows businesses to choose the metrics that matter most to them – whether they are carbon emissions, electricity usage, oil, water, gas or steam. These can then be cross-referenced against business performance to strike the optimum 'efficiency balance' between operational performance, cost and environmental responsibility. "Organisations such as Ford, 3M, BAe, Nationwide, GSK and GazProm must all balance concern for the environment with the realities of business," says Jones. "As a result, the simulation software they use must track and optimise their use of the world's scarce resources."