Delcam offers free ArtCAM demo software for artisans

1 min read

Free demonstration versions of ArtCAM Express and ArtCAM Insignia artisan-orientated CAD/CAM software are now being offered by developer Delcam.

The company says both can be downloaded from the website, or can be obtained on CD by emailing The CD includes support materials, including an image gallery, case studies and an overview of how to use ArtCAM. There are also six demonstration videos and accompanying tutorials covering 2D and 3D modelling and machining of some simpler designs, nesting of shapes and V-bit carving. Both are save-disabled so you can’t use them to output designs and toolpaths. However, Delcam says that six sample ArtCAM models are supplied with the demonstration software. Toolpaths for these can be created with the full set of machining strategies and output using any of the 180 standard post-processors supplied with ArtCAM – so the company argues that you can at least test the software for compatibility with your machines tools. ArtCAM Express offers basic 2D drawing, and 2D and 3D machining functions, providing an introduction to computer-based manufacturing for manufacturers in sign making, woodworking and engraving. A rtCAM Insignia offers more options for mass-production, especially in the woodworking industries. It includes vector-based design, 2D machining and basic 3D machining functionality. It also allows users to import, scale, position and machine 2D and 3D decorations and textures onto their designs.