Infor Baan Feature Pack 3 fulfils user requirements

Infor, the hugely acquisitive ERP software firm that now ranks Number Three for manufacturing SMEs, has introduced improved functionality for its ERP LN (Baan as was) system, aimed at the discrete complex production sector.

Its enhancements – all in Feature Pack 3 – automate new business processes, such as reverse logistics, tax reconciliation and multi-currency handling, while also providing greater visibility into operations. Altogether there are 25 customer-requested features, other benefits including: reporting and auditing for cycle counts and inventory adjustments; optimised invoice sorting and composing options; improved consolidation of multiple purchase requisitions in one order; and reports on linked purchase and sales orders. Other main improvements are as follows: support for hazardous materials regulations, and in particular RoHS; manufacturing part numbering (MPN) as in high tech manufacturing, to differentiate between suppliers; and reverse logistics coverage – enabling manufacturers to take material back, send replacements, put unserviceable equipment on stock and refurbish while keeping track of history and status.